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The Return on Intelligence podcast is back with a new host, CEO of SIY Global, Rich Fernandez. In season 2 we tackle solutions for learning and development team challenges, while also exploring strategies to equip your employees and yourself for the future of work through emotional and artificial intelligence. From facilitating learning in the workplace to mastering consumer training best practices, our episodes have valuable L&D tips and strategies.

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EP11 ● 49MIN

Reinventing management and empowering workers

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Gary Hamill, co-author of Wall Street Journal best seller, Humanocracy and a thought leader in leadership and management, joins Rich Fernandez of SIY Global to discuss workplace management and the impact it can have on innovation within organizations. Gary highlights the limitations of bureaucratic structures and the importance of balancing freedom and control systems. The conversation emphasizes ways learning and development teams can implement these strategies to establish better ways of working.

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EP10 ● 39MIN

Lifelong learning and developing leaders

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Absorb LMS’ CEO, Kimberly Williams shares her career journey as a lifelong learner and has a lively conversation with SIY Global’s CEO Rich Fernandez on ways companies can work to develop leadership skills throughout the workforce. They also cover ways L&D can bridge the multi-generational gap, and which skills to look for in potential leaders.

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EP9 ● 35MIN

Making HR the good guy and creating career paths

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Our host Rich Fernendez from SIY Global sits down to chat with Pete Schramm about the ideas put forward in his book, Pathfinders: Navigating Your Career Map With A Personal Board of Advisors .

Together they discuss how Schramm’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering led him to a career in HR Technologies, and his belief that everyone should build a personal board of advisors to aid in their career pathing. This discussion is helpful for people in L&D and HR who are looking to find ways to create positive impact and career growth for their learners.

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EP8 ● 33MIN

How to create and measure the impact of LD

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Laura Overton joins Rich Fernandez for an in-depth discussion on the importance of staying curious about your learner's needs, while aligning learning initiatives and understanding business goals to demonstrate impact. Laura Overton shares her research learnings and four-stage model of learning maturity. Their discussion encourages L&D practitioners to be bold, open-minded, and deliberate in shaping the future of the industry.

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EP7 ● 50MIN

Finding mindstates, superpowers, and rituals to help shape your company culture

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Google’s first Chief Innovation Evangelist and author of “ WHAT’S NEXT IS NOW: How To Live Future Ready ”  Frederik Pferdt joins Rich Fernandez to discuss the concept of a future ready mindstate. The conversation covers the shift from focusing on what we want to do in the future to how we want to be in the future. Frederik also explains the concept of Dimension X, a unique superpower that each individual possesses, and emphasizes the importance of discovering and using this superpower to shape our future.

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EP6 ● 42MIN

Transformative Tech and the Future of Work

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Nichol Bradford, Executive-in-Residence for AI + HI at The Society for Human Resource Management, defines and discusses the impact of transformative technology in work and society. Bradford and host Rich Fernandez also discusses the opportunities and risks of AI in the future, highlighting the need for a human-centered approach and the cultivation of an agile and curious mindset.

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EP5 ● 39MIN

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and other leadership skills

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Cecily Mak has worked as a lawyer, a CEO, a member of multiple boards, and is now embarking on becoming a published author. She shares her experiences to illustrate some dos and don’ts of becoming an honest leader with strong emotional skills. Mak also provides tips on how to boost your confidence and quell Imposter Syndrome.

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EP4 ● 29MIN

Adopting a customer success mindset

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Lukas Alexander, VP of Customer Experience at Churn Zero, discusses how creating a customer success mindset can help every department throughout your company. He also covers how to support CSMs in proactively engaging customers with support and guidance, plus the skills you should be prioritizing to develop your CSM team.

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EP3 ● 45MIN

Unpacking the Ethics and Quelling Fears of AI

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Rich Fernandez hosts Dr. Nikki Mirghafori, an artificial intelligence scientist and an internationally recognized Buddhist teacher, in episode three. Dr. Mighafori talks about her professional journey and shares insights into and dispels myths about the many forms of AI, as well as ways to constructively incorporate it into our lives. The pair also have a discussion on how to incorporate Buddhist teachings of mindfulness into leadership practices.

Resource mentioned in this episode:

AI Bill of Rights - https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/ai-bill-of-rights/

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EP2 ● 45MIN

Doing the right and wrong things to get results

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Join Rich Fernandez as he chats with Sarah Deveraux, a friend and former Google colleague. Devereaux describes how she helped launch the successful Googler-to-Googler program. They discuss the challenges and solutions to implementing the peer-to-peer learning network at Google. Deveraux then shares her experiences from her career in leadership training including insights on the loneliness and exhaustion that many leaders experience and how to support development at the executive level.  We also learn about her current role developing female leaders as a founding partner, leadership coach and workshop facilitator at the White Pine Leadership Collective. We hope you enjoy this episode and subscribe to hear more chats every Tuesday.

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EP1 ● 47MIN

Could AI solve traffic jams?

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Rich Fernandez, CEO of SIY Global takes over as host of the ROI podcast for season 2. In his inaugural ROI conversation, Rich talks with Bill Duane a former peer from Google development about upskilling for the world of artificial intelligence. It’s a conversation that explores how humans learn logically and emotionally, with tips for learning and developing professionals to apply in their programs.

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EP8 ● 49MIN

The Future of AI in Learning and Development

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Watch as we explore how AI is rapidly transforming the future of business and the L&D landscape with Craig Basford from Absorb LMS. He shares his experiences and thoughts on the promising opportunities of AI—and the critical need for careful implementation, considering both risks and legal implications.

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EP7 ● 31MIN

Tapping into the Power of Learning and Development to Develop Top Talent

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Watch as we explore how to best develop future leaders at both a personal and organizational level. Britni Warner from Sony Electronics shares her experiences and thoughts on enhancing employee and organizational growth with the help of an LMS.

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EP6 ● 38MIN

Scaling Learning Globally

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Scaling a learning program internationally comes with it's own set of unique challenges and opportunities. As Valeria Pasca grew in her role so did the company she worked for– Juice Plus. As the Senior Manager of Global Learning, Valeria was on the front lines of personalizing and localizing JuicePlus' learning content for the diverse individuals they were working with across the globe. In this episode Al and Valeria double-click on what it means to deploy empathy at scale while meeting the goals of a growing business.

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EP5 ● 48MIN

Sales Enablement in a Learning And Development Culture

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What does a culture of sales enablement look like? Are your training tactics effective? How can your LMS enable all of this? In this episode, sales training leader Hamish Knox answers all these questions and more. Listen in as Al and Hamish dive deep into what it takes to build a strong learning culture for modern day sales people.

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EP4 ● 45MIN

The Post Pandemic Rebound

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The post-pandemic world has forced businesses to innovate faster, and learning is no different. In this episode of Return on Intelligence, Matt Pittman, Principal Analyst at the Brandon Hall Group, walks us through the new pace of play that learners expect and how you as a learning leader can adapt to their needs.

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EP3 ● 48MIN

The Power of Empathy in a Learning and Development Culture

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Watch as we explore the role of empathy in corporate learning along with the value of motivating learners through knowledge. Joshua Remerowski, Senior Director of Learning & Leadership Experience at Fortive, explains the importance of shifting your mindset as a leader to meet learners where they’re at and develop talent.

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EP2 ● 46MIN

Evaluating the Success of Retail Learning

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Discover the impact of skills demonstration and manager engagement on the success of The Aaron’s Company’s learning and development program. In this episode, Brian Paige, Director of Learning and Development, and Cathy Campbell, Senior Learning and Development Analyst, discuss the evolution and strategy behind their learning program.

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EP1 ● 40MIN

Maximizing the Impact of Learning and Development

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Tune in and discover how to maximize the impact of learning and development experiences from Devin Hastie, Director of Commercial Learning at Anheuser-Busch. In this episode, we dive into the challenges and opportunities for different learning groups as well as the impactful role of leadership in learning.

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