How Absorb Pinpoint Uses AI to Create and Deliver On-Demand Microlearning

How Absorb Pinpoint Uses AI to Create and Deliver On-Demand Microlearning


Wes Douglas


With more to learn—and less time to learn it—than ever before, fast access to contextualized training has never been more valuable. Microlearning has been an informal training staple for years, fueled by Google and social media apps on mobile devices, and it's no coincidence that the practice is increasingly present in the learning strategies of corporate juggernauts. But rather than throw your existing training out the door and build microlearning from scratch, use Absorb Pinpoint to reinvent—and reinvigorate—what you already have.

Absorb Pinpoint gives learners a direct path to the exact information they need by using powerful artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing to transform your Absorb LMS video lessons into microlearning courses found through a standard search function. Basically, it does all the work for you while your learners thrive and your business reaps the rewards.

But before diving too deep into the rewards, let's look at microlearning through the lens of a more formal or professional learning experience. It'll be worth it—promise.

What is microlearning?

Microlearning is the practice of providing training in bite-sized, highly focused "chunks" instead of traditional long-form sessions. The idea is that if learning happens fast, it'll happen more often—a theory supported by a Software Advice study where 58% of employees surveyed said they'd "be more likely to use their company's online learning tools if the content was broken up into multiple, shorter lessons."

An increase in training frequency isn't the only benefit touted by microlearning advocates. By delivering contextualized microlearning in the flow of work, learners will see training as a tool to boost productivity instead of something that distracts from it.

Absorb Pinpoint gives learners the best of both worlds

It's clear that microlearning can make learning on the fly easier to manage, but when learners need to dive deep, long-form training still holds clout. Rather than spending time and resources developing both, Absorb Pinpoint gives you and your learners the best of both worlds by transforming the video content used for foundational learning into on-demand microlearning lessons.

Here's how it works: First, Absorb Pinpoint uses AI and natural language processing to automatically transcribe and time stamp videos in the LMS. Then it makes both the transcript and video searchable, giving learners a direct path to the information they need. They can see the full transcript with the highlighted term and navigate directly to the most relevant information. It's that simple.

Use LMS search data to identify training gaps

When a simple search query is enough to connect learners to the precise training they need, your LMS search data skyrockets in value. Not only can it tell you which materials your learners engage with most often, it can bring light to any gaps between the information available and the information your learners need.

If sifting through and interpreting search data doesn't sound like your idea of a good time, don't worry, Absorb LMS can handle it for you. Just as Absorb Pinpoint boosts the efficiency of your training program, the Search Analytics Report gives your LMS admins actionable insight they can use to boost its effectiveness.

Giving learners a direct path to the exact information they need isn't just about making their lives easier—it's about making your business better. 2020 has challenged us all in unexpected ways and staying agile has proven to be the only reliable strategy for enduring success.

Absorb Pinpoint gives learners the power to sprint, and the Search Analytics Report gives LMS Admins enough fuel for the long haul. Both features are now standard with Absorb LMS, and current customers can start using them today by upgrading to the new Administrator Interface. It's free, easy and available now.

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