Improving Employee Satisfaction Through Learning

Improving Employee Satisfaction Through Learning


Liz Sheffield


With the coronavirus sweeping the world, companies are toeing the delicate balance between "business as usual" and acknowledging that we're in uncharted territory. The social distancing is taking a toll on many, so recognizing stress in your employees and promoting employee satisfaction are more important than ever.

One way to focus on employee satisfaction amid the uncertainty may be a renewed commitment to your learning culture.

Fostering a learning culture has been shown to influence worker attitudes. When LinkedIn asked employees what inspires them and makes them feel satisfied at work, the top two elements relate to their development. Of those surveyed, 26% said it's the nature of the work itself that inspires them; 19% said it's the opportunity to learn and grow.

Development demonstrates commitment

Ensuring that an employee has opportunities to advance in their career is a great way to increase engagement and inspire productivity. Offering learning opportunities enables employees to expand their skills and empowers advancement. Investing in employee development demonstrates your commitment to their current and future success.

Digital learning pays off

More research by LinkedIn discovered that employees value digital, online learning experiences: 43% say they want self-directed programs. A learning management system is a valuable investment to provide the type of digital learning opportunities employees desire, but it's also a necessary tool for learning and development teams. Training teams require an LMS to efficiently and effectively produce and deliver the learning content the business needs.

Flexible content provides options

When creating content, L&D teams must also support the different ways employees learn. Some of the most significant issues learners face is that they don't feel they have time to learn. Others aren't sure how their learning path relates to the organization. An innovative learning strategy addresses these challenges. Offering options for microlearning, learning in the flow of work and purpose-driven learning empowers employees to develop and learn in the ways that work for them that likewise add value for the organization.

HR and L&D leaders can support employee satisfaction by providing the strategy and enabling the infrastructure that helps people find, discover and experience learning as part of their work. When people sense organizational commitment to their development and their employee satisfaction, it builds trust and may give your employees a respite from these stressful times.

Absorb is offering free COVID-19 safety courses. Access the courses now to learn how the pandemic may affect your workplace.

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