April 18: How to Provide Learning to People Outside Your Organization

April 18: How to Provide Learning to People Outside Your Organization


Richard Nantel


Join us for a free Webinar:

Date: Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST

Partners, suppliers, contractors, interns, volunteers, association members, customers… How did all these people sneak into our learning initiatives? Clearly, work today is different from back in the days of three-martini lunches in smoky lounges and asking your assistant to “be a sweetheart and fetch me a cup of coffee.”

The Internet has revolutionized how work is done today. The boundaries between organizations have blurred, replaced with greater communication and collaboration. Information—including learning content—flows between institutions, eventually reaching the customers who will use the products or services.

So how do you provide learning to those outside your organization?

Join Richard Nantel, VP, Enterprise Learning Solutions at Blatant Media, as he discusses:

  • The impact of the “extended enterprise” on learning and development
  • How to register and enroll external learners into your learning initiatives
  • How to provide reports to external managers and administrators
  • What to do when the learning initiative ends
  • How extending learning to people outside your organization can be great for business

This webinar registration is now closed. Please visit our webinars page to view our previously recorded sessions.

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