Why You Should Gamify Your LMS for Improved Employee Learning and Training

Why You Should Gamify Your LMS for Improved Employee Learning and Training


Absorb LMS


A growing number of organizations are implementing gamification within various aspects of the workplace—and their LMS is no exception. LMS gamification can quickly elevate the learning and training experience for employees and the benefits this popular strategy can provide as a result. Read on to learn how.

What is gamification?

Gamification in the workplace is on the rise, but what exactly does this mean? Gamification refers to the technique of incorporating game-like elements into non-game settings, such as websites, online communities and learning management systems, to enhance user engagement. When it comes to gamification in the workplace, 72% of employees claim gamified systems inspire them to work harder.1

The more these initiatives continue to effectively engage and motivate employees, the more gamification will grow throughout organizations—improving employee learning and training and, inevitably, driving business results.

Why gamification is vital to eLearning

The combination of evolving technology and the shift to hybrid and remote work, have made eLearning essential to workplace learning. In fact, 42% of organizations spent more on learning technologies and 35% spent more on courses following the pandemic and subsequent growth in flexible working arrangements.2

Overall, more organizations are leveraging eLearning and advanced learning management system (LMS) platforms to make learning more successful for employees whether they’re remote, hybrid or on-site. As the use of eLearning continues to grow, so does the opportunity to benefit from gamification. Implementing gamified techniques in the workplace can provide an overwhelmingly positive effect on user engagement—specifically a 60% increase.3 Gamification will quickly become a necessary part of the eLearning experience to ensure employees are getting the most out of their learning opportunities and courses in the workplace.

Benefits of LMS gamification

Gamifying your LMS is also an effective way to provide your organization with a host of benefits as a result. The main advantages of a gamified LMS include:

  • Improving your onboarding process: Major pivots to hybrid or remote working environments mean traditional onboarding processes may no longer be sufficient. Instead, organizations are increasingly utilizing digital onboarding tools like an LMS and gamification techniques. LMS gamified onboarding can be easily applied in flexible work environments and has been shown to improve knowledge transfers, retention rates and productivity.
  • Leveraging internal competition: LMS gamification also lends itself to friendly internal competition within organizations. The game-like elements and reward systems of a gamified approach, including leaderboards, badges, achievements and points, can keep your team members engaged and productive — while motivating them to keep pace with high-performing co-workers.
  • Enhancing tracking capabilities: An effective LMS will provide valuable data and analytics by tracking the activity and progression of learners. Your workplace can benefit from improved oversight of each employee’s unique process and development throughout implementation.
  • Increasing employee engagement: Possibly the most integral benefit offered by a gamified LMS approach to workplace learning is the opportunity for organizations to significantly increase user engagement. Learning and development in the workplace can quickly become boring and monotonous, which can hinder how much of this information is retained and useful moving forward. With gamified systems in place, employees can learn and retain information more effectively.
  • Improving employees’ learning experience: Businesses have become increasingly aware that employees value chances to learn at work and grow their careers. However, only 29% of organizations have a clear learning and development plan for employees.4 Utilizing both an LMS and gamification techniques is an effective way to upgrade your training opportunities, as well as improve the overall learning experience for your team members.

Gamification methods to improve your LMS

When it comes to modifying your LMS to fit your organization's needs, there are several game-like elements to consider. Some of the most successful gamification methods to use in your LMS include:


Badges act as a form of reward that represents a user’s achievement. This element can be personalized with your branding or simply be an eye-catching symbol that demonstrates a mastered skill. Badges are not only effective rewards for your workforce but also provide the opportunity to share these achievements on a company’s social platforms.


Another gamification technique you might consider is creating a point system within your LMS, which can help you more effectively track learning capabilities moving forward. However, a consistent point system tied to specific criteria will be a necessity to utilize this technique effectively. Awarding points can go a long way toward motivating team members and giving your organization access to valuable feedback in the process.


A leaderboard is another gamified element that can drive motivation, engagement and productivity within your company. With leaderboards, learners can gauge their progress against other participants in their workplace or geographic region — serving as a source of motivation for team members trying to stay at peak performance and keep pace with high-achieving co-workers.

The future of LMS and gamification in the workplace

Is gamification the future? The short answer is yes. As more and more businesses recognize and profit from the advantages a gamified LMS can offer, the industry continues to expand. Some of the major gamification trends to expect in the coming years include:

  • Businesses prioritizing recruitment and training with gamified methods.
  • Organizations having access to improved data and reporting capabilities.
  • A significant increase in market size.

In fact, the global gamification market is expected to grow to $30.7 billion by 2025, up from $9.1 billion in 2020.5 This explosion in growth is attributed to the increased productivity, profitability and employee engagement associated with gamified environments.

Overall, the culmination of an LMS and gamification can help your business significantly improve employee learning and training. These advanced solutions can bring your organization’s engagement and productivity to the next level — and as a result, you’re likely to see better business outcomes.

If your organization is ready to elevate its learning and development opportunities with a powerful LMS platform, try Absorb LMS today.

1. https://review42.com/resources/gamification-statistics/
2. https://store.trainingindustry.com/products/training-in-the-time-of-covid-how-learning-and-development-is-responding
3. https://www.zippia.com/advice/gamification-statistics/
4. https://www.cipd.co.uk/Images/learning-skills-work-report-1_tcm18-79434.pdf
5. https://www.growthengineering.co.uk/19-gamification-trends-for-2022-2025-top-stats-facts-examples/

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