Overcoming onboarding challenges

Overcoming onboarding challenges


Absorb LMS


Recruiting, onboarding, and training new hires is never easy, but it's especially challenging right now. Research shows that 47% of companies struggle with onboarding employees due to infrastructure challenges.

The pre-onboarding gap

Even before a new hire's first day, there's a crucial pre-onboarding phase that’s often overlooked. This period between accepting the offer and the start date sets the tone for the employee experience.

Here are some ways to bridge the pre-onboarding gap:

  • Welcome package: Send a new hire a welcome package that includes company swag, essential information about the first day, and details about benefits.
  • Pre-boarding checklist: Provide an onboarding checklist of tasks to complete before the start date, such as completing paperwork or setting up access to company systems.
  • Introduce the team: Connect your new hire with team members virtually before their first day. This can be done through email introductions, a video call, or a welcome message in a team chat platform.

The case for a strong onboarding program

As employees, we've all been there. You start a new job feeling excited but overwhelmed. You're not sure who to ask questions, what the company culture is like, or where to find the resources to succeed. This is where a strong onboarding program comes in.

An onboarding program lays the foundation for a happy and productive workforce. It's more than paperwork and mandatory training. It's giving your employees the tools to understand a company's values, policies, and generally how things work.

With a structured program, you’ll support your new team members, delivering only the necessary training. That means less stress for your HR team and a faster path to helping employees feel like valuable members of the team.

Today’s onboarding challenges

Onboarding new team members is no small task for companies. Many struggle to get new employees up to speed efficiently, either due to a lack of formal structure or an unengaging program. Additionally, setting them up with the right tech and communicating expectations can be hurdles. These gaps can leave new hires feeling lost and hinder their ability to become productive members of the team quickly.

Gallup via Fosway Group






In short, investing in a well-designed onboarding process benefits both employees (better experience, higher satisfaction) and companies (reduced turnover, cost savings).

Keeping employees engaged keeps your company growing

Your organization’s success hinges on your workforce. When your employees feel invested and motivated, they show up for your company – generating positive business outcomes.


Harvard Business Review


Driving results with an employee onboarding LMS

Delivering training with an employee onboarding learning management system (LMS) ensures your organization can scale quickly and smoothly. It keeps employees motivated and productive by instilling a sense of autonomy, competence, and belonging. When learners see a clear path forward within the organization, they'll have little interest in looking outside it.

Absorb LMS

gives businesses an edge to overcome onboarding challenges. The numbers speak for themselves. We commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) report, taking an in-depth look into the value of Absorb LMS. The study found that onboarding takes 40% less time with Absorb and reduces onboarding costs by $200 per learner.

Our platform can help you bring new hires up to speed faster and provides growth opportunities, so they're motivated to stay longer— all from an intuitive dashboard that's as user-friendly for administrators as it is for learners. With scalable features and powerful AI, it's clear how Absorb LMS earned its reputation as the go-to learning solution.

Absorb Engage

Create a collaborative learning environment so that new hires can share what they’ve learned as they move through courses.

Absorb Intelligence

Streamline admin tasks like assigning onboarding courses and company training, giving your L&D team the freedom to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Absorb Analyze

Measure the impact of your onboarding programs with full-service LMS business intelligence tools and ad hoc dashboards.

Absorb Create

Leverage generative AI to build, edit, and publish courses for new hires in minutes.

Have questions?

Discover more ways to leverage our employee onboarding LMS and inspire workplace change. Connect with an Absorb representative to get a demo.

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