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Kickstart success: Transform employee onboarding with Absorb

Navigating the initial stages of a new job can be overwhelming for employees and time-consuming for HR. With Absorb LMS, you can streamline the onboarding process and set your team up for success from day one.


Why is effective onboarding crucial for your business success?

Effective onboarding ensures new hires are quickly integrated, engaged, and productive. A well-structured onboarding process reduces turnover by making employees feel valued and supported from day one. It accelerates the learning curve, allowing new hires to contribute to the company’s goals sooner. Additionally, effective onboarding fosters a positive company culture, aligns employees with organizational values, and improves overall job satisfaction. This leads to higher retention rates, increased productivity, and a stronger, more cohesive workforce, ultimately driving business growth and success.


What are examples of onboarding courses?

Examples of different onboarding courses include:

  • Company introduction training
  • Product/services overview training
  • Benefits/bonus plan training
  • Safety and office conduct training
  • Data Security and privacy training
  • Company applications and system training
  • Policy and sign-offs training


What does effective onboarding look like?

Effective onboarding with an LMS involves pre-boarding content to prepare new hires, structured learning paths tailored to specific roles, and interactive training modules for engagement. Ensure mobile access for on-the-go learning and use the LMS to track progress and completion. Automated workflows keep new hires on track with reminders and notifications, while personalized content makes the experience relevant. Incorporate regular assessments and feedback opportunities, facilitate social learning through forums and chats, and provide a resource library for ongoing reference. This approach ensures a smooth, efficient, and engaging onboarding experience. See how Absorb LMS helped reduce onboarding time by 40% in the Forrester TEI Study commissioned by Absorb LMS.

An onboarding experience all learners will love

Automated learning paths

Automated learning paths

Assign training materials automatically based on role, department, or location, ensuring personalized learning experiences right from the start.

Engaging content delivery

Engaging content delivery

Use interactive content such as videos, quizzes, and simulations to make learning enjoyable and memorable.

Progress tracking and reports

Progress tracking and reports

Monitor your new hires' training progress with real-time dashboards and detailed reporting, helping you address gaps promptly.

Why use Absorb LMS for employee onboarding

Help new employees feel connected and valued from day one and beyond. Use AI to streamline and automate administration, so you can focus on delivering people-centric learning.

Reduce onboarding time

Reduce onboarding time

Accelerate time-to-productivity by delivering efficient and effective training.

Boost employee retention

Boost employee retention

Engage employees early with interactive and relevant training that boosts job satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhance compliance

Enhance compliance

Ensure all regulatory and compliance requirements are met with automated workflows and record-keeping.

Foster company culture

Foster company culture

Introduce company values and culture through customized content, helping new hires feel connected and valued from day one.

What real customers say

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Absorb enabled us to have a 24/7 learning environment and we've reduced our training costs.
Sarah Dewar, Michael Garron Hospital
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The past couple of years have completely changed our needs and requirements around onboarding 
and Absorb has allowed us to evolve from a local onboarding experience to a true global onboarding experience.
LMS integration specialist, software
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Employees are now automatically enrolled in all the courses relevant to their role the day they are hired. We no longer have to manually assign anything and that has saved us so much time.
Senior learning consultant, financial services

FAQs about Absorb LMS for onboarding

Why should I use an LMS for employee onboarding?

Studies suggest that properly trained employees are more productive and easier to retain. Using employee training software such as Absorb LMS makes it easier to ensure that every team member receives the training they need to unlock their potential. An LMS also helps you create standardized lessons so that the entire team learns the same information and allows you to track progress to identify areas where training materials can improve.

Can I automate enrollments?

Absolutely, and it's highly recommended. Auto-enrolling new employees into training is the best way to ensure your organization stays fully compliant when new hires arrive. With Absorb LMS online training software, you can also set up course reminders for enrollees to ensure they stay on track.

Can I track learner progress and activity?

Yes, Absorb LMS allows your business to generate customizable reports and configurable dashboards that emphasize your priorities from a wide array of available metrics and customizable data fields. We also offer a healthy set of standard integrations and a Restful API to integrate Absorb into other employee software applications for maximum flexibility.

Can Absorb LMS integrate with our existing HR software?

Yes, Absorb LMS seamlessly integrates with various HR systems, ensuring a unified workflow from recruitment to onboarding.

How customizable is the learning content for different roles?

Absorb LMS offers extensive customization options to tailor learning content to specific roles, departments, or individual needs.

Ready to prioritize onboarding?