The Benefits of Mobile Learning in the Workplace

The Benefits of Mobile Learning in the Workplace


Liz Sheffield


We use mobile devices to peruse restaurant reviews. We use them to document our pets' adorable antics. We use them as flashlights to find lost shoes in the backs of our closets. Employees are likewise glued to their mobile technology. To meet them where they are requires a mobile-first approach, one that empowers busy learners to choose when and how they learn. LinkedIn cited that use of its mobile learning platform increased 5% year-over-year in its 2018 Workplace Learning Report. With mobile adoption continuing to climb, it's important to take advantage of the benefits it offers as a learning tool. Here are a few reasons your company should invest in mobile learning now.

Bite-sized learning pays off

Mounting evidence suggests that mobile learning drives better outcomes because it enforces learning in small doses. Since mobile delivers bite-sized experiences that are easier to digest, knowledge is more likely to be absorbed. One study calculated that a global pharmaceutical company found an overall 53% increase in knowledge retention when they used mobile learning to introduce a brand new product, eLearning Industry reported. You can boost retention by delivering learning in the moment it's needed within native applications. Look for an LMS platform that supports in-the-flow learning to deliver that experience.

Convenience drives engagement

mLearning is convenient, and convenience drives up the odds of adoption. According to Deloitte's Leading in Learning, more than 30% of workers do most of their work outside of the office and over 70% are turning to search on their smartphones for just-in-time answers to their questions. The truth is, learning is happening in downtime or the minutes between meetings, so it's important to make information easily consumable where it's needed. Brief training videos or podcasts well-suited for mobile support the kinds of in-the-moment learning today's employees are looking for.

Choice empowers learners

The "employee experience" has become a critical mantra for competitive organizations. Simply put, workers expect their organizations to embrace technologies that align with the flexibility and work-life balance they crave. Handheld learning is tailored to a remote workforce that wants anytime access to information on the device of their choice. Modern workers also prefer self-directed experiences, according to LinkedIn. Serving up personalized recommendations via text or email points learners in the direction of trainings they can seamlessly access on the same device.

Unlock potential

Mobile learning is transforming how workers are trained across entire industries. Nation's Restaurant News reported that large fast food chains have replaced print booklets and long hours of training at a desktop with on-the-job mLearning via videos and step-by-step guides. New employees can learn how to pack orders, ring up customers or follow proper cleaning procedures while they are performing the actual steps for better results. Mobile is the key to unlocking your employees'—and your organization's—potential by effectively delivering training to everyone, anywhere and at any time. As your organization grows, a scalable LMS that emphasizes mobile development will help you continue to meet employee and company needs with your learning technology.

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